Friday, April 26, 2013

Installing Crunchbang on a Eee pc 701sd: the installation hangs even though the live session works.

Hey Everyone, 

I've been looking for a light distro for a while and stumbled upon Crunchbang tonight. 

The good:

  1. On my old Eeepc (with 500 megs of ram and a 8GB SSD drive), it runs VERY smoothly.
  2. It has the full fledged "apt-get" which makes installing new software simple.
  3. I can run Songza and Grooveshark (we mostly use this machine for music). In the past, Mint with IceWM was a still too heavy for Songza.
  4. I can run my periodic java-based cronjobs.

The bad:
  1. Although the LiveCD worked out of the box, I couldn't select "Install" from the grub menu.

How I fixed it:
  • This post:
  • tldr; 
    • From the grub menu, highlight "Install" and press tab
    • Remove all "vesa" arguments.
    • Remove the vga=788 argument.
    • Add the following: "vga=ask nomodeset or fb=false" at the end of the line.
    • Done and done! 

Hope this helps! 
